Multisensory learning is where you learn with your main senses engaged AT THE SAME TIME.
Here we have an activity to teach the letters ‘g’ and ‘j’ which are often mixed up. Our learner is making the letters (tactile) whilst saying the names (auditory) whilst seeing the shape (visual) - all at the same time as smelling oranges and lemons from the scented pay dough!
From assessment, his strengths lie in kinaesthetic tactile learning - this isn’t always possible when writing, such as in spelling tests. So, what we do is strengthen his weaker area (visual/auditory) by practising those AT THE SAME TIME as using his stronger sense. He learns kinaesthetically and builds his weaker areas up alongside this for when his kinaesthetic methods aren’t available to him.
We used his other multisensory methods in his other activities - learning a word form the 100 list ‘said’, phonological awareness and phoneme counting with the ‘qu’ digraph, applying his new skills in writing, where we practise warm up exercises for handwriting and teach body position, pencil grip and letter formation.
We certainly do pack a lot into our sessions!